School of Health Professions’ Education (SHaPE)
CMH LMC & IOD is a premier seat of learning and education. Affiliated with the National University of Medical Sciences it boasts great potential for growth and further development. Great advancements in teaching and learning strategies, faculty development, and curriculum designs are being made worldwide. A number of programs that build the capacity of health professionals in the area of medical education are being run by reputable organizations nationally and internationally. Department of Health Professions Education has been established at CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry with the following objectives:
1. Establishment of International linkages with Universities and Organizations in the area of Medical Education & Research.
2. Establishment of WHO and SAARC Centre of Excellence in Medical Education and Health Professions Research.
3. Establishment of FAIMER Centre in collaboration with the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA.
4. Start Postgraduate Programs in Health Professions including but not limited to, Masters in Health Professions Education, Ph.D. in Health Professions Education, Master in Health Informatics, Master in Biostatistics, and Master in Health Economics and Management.
5. Conduct Certificate Course of Faculty / Teacher Training Program for all affiliated and constituent Colleges of NUMS.
6. Conduct regular faculty development Programs, workshops, seminars, etc.
7. Training Army Personnel (Medical Cadets) of specific countries e.g. KSA, UAE, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc in Medical Education through enrolment in online/blended learning programs.
8. Run orientation week for new student inductees.
9. Hold yearly conferences.
10. Publish a journal of CMH LMC &; IOD Medical Education & Research.
11. Promote and conduct ground-breaking research in all areas of Health Professions Education based on National needs and International trends.
12. Review and revise curricula.
13. Faculty Evaluation and feedback.
14. Continuing professional development activities.
15. Quality Assurance of Undergraduate & Postgraduate Programs.
16. Any other with the permission of the competent authority.
Deans Message
Dear faculty members and students,
With great pleasure, I extend my heartfelt greetings as we embark on a new academic year at SHaPE. I have the distinct honor of expressing my sincere commitment to cultivating an educational environment where professionalism, mutual respect and learner centeredness take precedence.
As the Dean SHaPE, my first priority is further strengthening of scholarly activities namely academics, continuous professional development of faculty members and research.
In this rapidly changing world, where change is the only constant, one must endorse every opportunity to learn and grow. In order to provide a variety of learning activities for both faculty and students, SHaPE is working to offer a diverse range of such professional avenues.

Roles & Responsibilities
- Center of excellence managing the curricula of 4 schools (Medicine, Dentistry, SAHS & Nursing)
- Promoting best evidence medical education practices and actively involved in faculty & students personal and professional development.
- Certificate in Health Professions Education (CHPE)
- Faculty Development Programs
- Orientation week for new inductees
- Faculty Evaluation, feedback & Workload calculations
- Quality Assurance: Program Evaluation, Curriculum Evaluation, Review and revise curricula. & Faculty Evaluation by students
- Facilitate Inspections conducted by Regulatory Bodies
- Mentorship Program
- EduLife Online Courses
- Clinico-Pathological Conferences (CPCs)
- Analysis of Assessment Items
- Assessment Unit
- Innovative Teaching Strategies
- Faculty of SHaPE contributes in the development, conduction & evaluation of various innovative teaching and learning strategies like Peer-assisted Learning, Mentorship Program, CPC, & MedAngle, Flipped Classroom, etc.