“World Physiotherapy Day-2022”
The School of Allied Health Sciences, CMH Lahore Medical College & IOD celebrated 1st ever World Physiotherapy Day-2022 on Wednesday 8th September, 2022 at the campus.
Worthy Principal & Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive & Vice Principal (Adm), Dean Institute of Dentistry Heads’ of different Departments from basic and clinical sciences, teaching faculty and Students attended the event. Director SAHS Brig (R) Chaudhary Fayyaz Mahmood, Sitara-e Imtiaz (Military) & Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (Millitary) welcomed the audience and shared his message for students. Associate Professor & Head of Department DPT, Dr Wajida Perveen, highlighted the history of world PT Day, its services towards the global physiotherapy community and the world PT Day theme.
Guest of honor, Dr Sajida Fajar (Sport Physiotherapist Pakistan women cricket team, Pakistan Women Hockey Team, Pakistan Women Football team) delivered a very informative talk about sports physiotherapy and the theme of world PT Day i.e. Osteoarthritis and role of Physiotherapist.
A very interesting video was prepared and played by DPT Students, about misconceptions existing regarding physiotherapy profession in Pakistan. Also, their experiences of campus life were presented in the form of another video.
Chief Guest, Principal & Chief Executive Professor Dr Naeem Naqi (Hilal e Imtiaz Millitary) awarded the certificates to the Doctor of Physical Therapy and Medical Imaging Technology students who had shown outstanding performance in 2021 annual exams conducted by University of Health Sciences Lahore.
Guest of honor Dr Sajida Fajar, was also presented a shield of the Institution. Honorable Chief Guest appreciated the Director SAHS, Faculty and Students on arranging this healthy and motivational event. Later o`n a flex with balloons was aired. The event concluded with a group photo.