Qira’at and Naat Society, CMH Lahore Medical College & IOD organized its Second Quranic Calligraphy Competition to celebrate the spirit of Holy Month of Ramadan & encourage students interested in calligraphy to show their skill. The event saw active participation from students of all disciplines, showcasing their remarkable talent. The exhibit was officially inaugurated and visited by the Chief Executive/ Principal Maj Gen Naeem Naqi, Deputy Chief Executive/ VP Admin, Vice Principal Academics, Dean SHaPE, Dean IOD, Dean SAHS, Head of ION and respected faculty members on March 31st, 2023. The calligraphies were judged by renowned experts in the field of calligraphy i.e. Faqir Syed Saifuddin, Brig Waqar MUzaffar, Prof. Mueed Zaigham and Col Nadeem Yar Khan on April 7th, 2023. Based upon judgment of worthy judges, the winners of the competition were Amna Ahmed from First year BDS (First position), Manal Fatima from fourth-year MBBS (second position) and Fatima Shahbaz from final-year BS-Nursing (third position). The event was a memorable experience and concluded on a high note. The students made a formal request to the Principal for the organization of a calligraphy training session which was graciously accepted by the worthy Principal.