Professor Dr Hina Zafar Raja is working in Department of Prosthodontics, Institute of Dentistry CMH Lahore Medical College, since 2008 till to date.
She graduated from de’ Montmorency College of Dentistry, Lahore, in 2000. She did her FCPS in Prosthodontics in 2007. She did Masters with Distinction in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, from King’s College London, UK. She possesses International Certification in Medical Teaching and Health Professional Education from University of Liverpool. She is also PhD Scholar in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.
She has received a Patent Grant of a device from Pakistan Patent Office and design registration of the same at US Patent Office as a Principal Inventor. In addition to her academic responsibilities, she is Innovation lead L-ORIC, CMH LMC and IOD, In- charge House Officers Program IOD and Administrative Head of Comprehensive Care Dentistry and Implant Clinic at Institute of Dentistry CMH LMC Lahore Pakistan.
She has worked as a Consultant Prosthodontist in Armed Forces Hospital, Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition, she significantly enhanced Institutional Clinical Practice as In Charge Intra Mural practice IOD Clinics, CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry, Lahore. She is a facilitator to many skill-based hands on workshops.
Presently she is representing Pakistan in The Constitution Board of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics amongst representatives from 20 other Asian countries. She is a Member of Faculty of Prosthodontics, College of Physician and Surgeon Pakistan, a supervisor to FCPS Prosthodontics program since 2016, an examiner to MDS and FCPS programs in diverse organizations.
She is a member of Faculty Promotion board of King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia. She has presented in various national/international conferences and published numerous scientific articles.
She was President of Pak Association for Dental Research (PADR), 2019-2020, which is the Pakistan chapter of International Association of Dental Research (IADR). She was also President of Pakistan Prosthodontics Association for 2019-2020. She was Chairperson, Scientific Committee for multiple international conferences, held within Pakistan and a Treasurer for PADR in past.
She reestablished the Journal Of Pakistan Prosthodontics Association on digital platform as its Managing Editor. Currently she is a reviewer to many national and International Scientific Journals.
1. Abuhajar, E., Ali, K., Zulfiqar, G., Al Ansari, K., Raja, H.Z., Bishti, S. and Anweigi, L., 2023. Management of Chronic Atrophic Candidiasis (Denture Stomatitis)—A Narrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), p.3029.
2. Zafar Raja, H., Kamran, R., Farid, M., Saleem, M.N., Mumtaz, M., Tufail, S. and Sarfaraz Khan, J., 2023. Analyzing communication skills of Dentistry Post Graduate Residents with Geriatric Patients in Clinical Encounter by using Video Recordings. Journal of Applied Social Science, p.19367244231160719.
3. Shakoor, A., Ansari, W., Choudhry, M., Fatima, N., Mumtaz, A., Raja, H.Z. and Saleem, M.N., 2023. Prospectives of Teledentistry for Professional Stakeholders of Health Professional Dental Education in Pakistan; A Cross-Sectional Survey. Life and Science, 4(2), pp.7-7.
4. Raja HZ, Babar B, Zakir A, Sadaqat, Hunza Zaheer Chattha, Abdul Moiz, Bin Hamid, Sajid Naeem The Frequency of Varying Degrees of Gingival Display and Biometric Measurements of Anterior Teeth 142 P J M H S Vol. 17, No. 01, 2023: 142-44.
5. Kamran R, Tufail S, Raja HZ, Alvi RU, Shafique A, Saleem MN, Sami W, Mahmood A. Post COVID- 19 Pandemic Generalized Anxiety Status of Health Professional undergraduate students. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 2022;16(12):144-.
6. Tariq M, Haseeb M, Khalid T, Shakoor A, Raja HZ, Butt H, Jabbar M. Inter-Rater Reliability among Dentists for Assessment of Angle of Impacted Third Molars on Orthopantomograms. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 2022 Dec 14;16(10):695-.
7. Shakoor A, Rana SS, Khan AS, Raja HZ, Saleem MN, Munir N. Frequency of various intensities of Dentine hypersensitivity versus good and bad oral hygiene practices within Pakistani population. Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology. 2022;11(3):164-8.
8. Tahir F, Raja HZ, Saleem MN, Iqbal A, Ullah MS, Yasser F. Awareness of Forensic Odontology among Dentists in Pakistan and its Impact on Dental Record Keeping. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 2022 Sep 6;16(08):92-.
9. Raja HZ, Saleem MN, Noor A, Usmani A, Khan JS. Status of Research and Development Within Dental Institutes of Pakistan. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. January 2022. doi:10.1177/00469580221100147
10. Qamar K, Raja HZ, Awais F, Iqbal U, Saleem A, Afridi F. Frequency of post insertion complaints in edentulous patients and their relation with age and gender. Isra Med J. 2021; 13(4): 270-274.
11. Saleem MN, Raja HZ, Shakoor A, Rashid H, Nasir H, Yusuf E. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Dental Practitioners Regarding Domestic Violence in Pakistan. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. January 2021. doi:10.1177/00469580211060799
12. Raja HZ, Mumtaz M, Saleem MN. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Nasal Septal Defect with Magnet Retained Nasal Septal Prosthesis. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons–Pakistan: JCPSP. 2021 Dec;31(12):1506-8.
13. Dr. Hina Zafar Raja, Dr. Muhammad Nasir Saleem, Dr. Ummara Manzoor, Dr. Maryam Mumtaz, Dr. Saroosh Ehsan, Dr. Mariya. Frequency Of Dental Erosion Among Undergraduate Dental Students Of Pakistan. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(11):4983- 4986 (11) (PDF) Frequency Of Dental Erosion Among Undergraduate Dental Students Of Pakistan. Available from:
Among_Undergraduate_Dental_Students_Of_Pakistan#fullTextFileContent [accessed Jan 03 2022].
14. Tahir F, Khan AS, Raja HZ, Butt H, Piracha MH, Khan NR. Stress Factors Among Dental Postgraduate Residents of Lahore, Pakistan. J Gandhara Med Dent Sci. 2021;8(4):14-19.
15. Fatima N, Abid S, SaadUllah M, Aziz MN, Saleem MN, Raja HZ, Dar DN, Tariq A. Emotional intelligence and Perceived stress in medical education: A questionnaire-based survey among medical and dental graduates. PJMHS 2021;15(8), 1883-7. DOI:10.53350/pjmhs211581883
16. Hina Zafar Raja, & Muhammad Nasir Saleem. (2021). CONDENSED COURSES MODEL FOR DENTAL UNDERGRADUATES DURING COVID – 19 PANDEMIC. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 41(2), 115-119. Retrieved from
17. Ashar T, Shakoor A, Ghazal S, Parveen N, Saleem MN, Raja HZ. Prevalence of distal carious lesions in mandibular second molars due to mesio-angular impacted third molars. J Pak Dent Assoc 2021;30(1):50-55. DOI:
18. Abu Khaid AS, Alzaharani M, Shabbir A, Raja HZ. Dentist Knowledge and Attitude towards Botulinium Toxin Use: Cross-Sectional Study P J M H S Vol. 14, No. 4, Oct- Dec 2020 1852 – 54
19. Editor first Newsletter of Pakistan Prosthodontics Association for 2020
20. Raja HZ, Saleem MN, Shabbir A, Mumtaz M, Tahir F. Cross Infection Control Awareness of Pakistani Dentists for COVID-19 Pandemic. Pak Oral Dent J 2020; 40(3):123-29.
21. Raja, H., Saleem, M., Saleem, T., Rashid, H., Ehsan, S., Hakeem, S., & Hanif, A. (2020). Perceived Stress Levels in Pakistani Dental Students During COVID-19 Lockdown. European Journal of Dental and Oral Health, 1(4).
22. Raja, H., Saleem, M., Saleem, T., Rashid, H., Ehsan, S., Hakeem, S., & Hanif, A. (2020). Perceived Stress Levels in Pakistani Dental Students During COVID-19 Lockdown. European Journal of Dental and Oral Health, 1(4).
23. Raja HZ, Mumtaz M, Shabbir A, Saleem MN, Shakoor A. Effect of interactive teaching methods on removable partial denture designing. J Pak Dent Assoc 2020;29(3):124-129.
24. Shabbir A, Raja H, Qadri A A,et al. (June 14, 2020) Faculty Feedback Program Evaluation in CIMS Multan, Pakistan. Cureus 12(6): e8612. doi:10.7759/cureus.8612
25. Dissertation submitted as MSc Fixed and removable Prosthodontics from King’s College London, “Diagnosis of bruxism in adults”.
26. Nadeem A, Awan HN, Raja HZ. Prosthetic rehabilitation of Papillon Lefevre Syndrome PODJ 2019 vol 39 (1);110-13.
27. Raja HZ, Saleem MN, Zaigham AM, Tahir F. Failure of tooth supported fixed dental prostheses and future restorability of abutment teeth among patients visiting CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Pakistan in JCMHLMC 2018 Vol 02:1; 9-13.
28. Raja HZ, Saleem MN, Mumtaz M, Knowledge assessment of designing of removable partial dentures in JCMHLMC 2018 Vol 02:1;29-32.
29. Raja HZ, Nadeem A, Awan HN, Assessment of knowledge of anterior dental aesthetics amongst dental practitioners in PODJ 2016 Vol 36;(2); 342-4.
30. Raja HZ, Saleem MN. Effect of previous denture wearing on neutral zone morphology PODJ 2014 Vol 34:4; 752-5.
31. Raja HZ, Saleem MN. Gaining retention support stability of a maxillary obturator JCPSP 2011, Vol. 21 (5): 311-314.
32. Raja HZ, Saleem MN. Neutral zone dentures versus conventional dentures in diverse edentulous periods BIOMEDICA 2009 Vol.25 ;136 – 145.
33. Raja HZ, Saleem MN. Relation of neutral zone and alveolar ridge with edentulous period JCPSP 2010, Vol. 20 (6): 395-399.
34. Saleem MN, Raja HZ. Radiographic assessment of quality of root canal treatment PODJ 2010 Vol 30:2; 492-5.
35. Raja HZ, Ahmed TZ. Role of anterior repositioning splint in management of temporomandibular disorders BIOMEDICA 2004 Vol 20:1; 16-21.
36. Dissertation entitled “Relationship of neutral zone and alveolar ridge with edentulous
Conferences/Workshops conducted as a facilitator:
Co facilitated a Workshop on “Fabrication of Nasal Prosthesis” by IOD, CMH Lahore on 26th-27th July,2021.
Executive member of Scientific advisory board for 12th Biennial Asian Academy of Prosthodontics conference August 2021.
Organized 1st Virtual meet for Asian Academy of Prosthodontics 2020 on 31st October 2020, with a participation of more than 12 countries.
Facilitated 1st PADR/PPA 2020 Research and Publication Training Course of a series of 12 Webinars over a period of 5 weeks
Conducted a workshop on “Resin Bonded Bridges” on 9th March 2020, at 3rd Annual Conference of Rehman College Of Dentistry, Peshawar.
Present President Pak Association of Dental Research (PADR) for 2019-2021.
Present Pakistan Prosthodontics Association (PPA) for 2019-2021.
Worked as Chairperson, Scientific Committee 7th International PPA conference 2019, from 1st-3rd November 2019, at Sardar begum Dental college, Peshawar
Worked as Chairperson Scientific Committee of 5th PADR International Annual conference from 12th -14th October 2018, held at IOD CMH LMC, Lahore.
Worked as Chairperson Scientific Committee of 5th PPA International Annual conference from 14th -16th September 2017, on conference held at Lahore.
Coordinated hands on workshop on , “ The designing of aesthetic and Hygienic RPDs with micro-surveyors and mouth preparations on October 14, 2018, at IOD, CMH LMC, Lahore.
Worked as Finance Secretary for Pakistan Prosthodontic Association
Conducted Prosthodontic Case discussion Session at 2nd Annual PADR conference Lahore in September 2015.
Secretary/Coordinator Prosthodontic Session at 2nd Annual PADR conference Lahore in September 2015.
Trained 30 participants in two half day workshops on “Crowns and Bridges: Current Concepts” on 20th October 2012 at 1st General Dental Practitioners Conference, Faisalabad Pakistan.
Trained over 50 faculty members and students at University of Lahore on Communication Skills in a 2 day workshop held on 19th & 20th of August 2009.
Trained 20 participants on “Crown and bridge; Principles and practices “in a workshop with 1st IADSR conference 26th April 2011, Lahore.
CME/CPD hours
1.Attended a hands-on workshop on, “Rodent handling and Restrain training’ on 15th March 2022, at Animal Research Laboratory, CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry, Lahore
2.Attended webinar on “15 ways to simplify the workflow of anterior ceramic restorations”, with 1 CME point on 3rd December 2021, organized by CAPP UAE.
3. Attended 13th Dental Facial Esthetic Conference on “15 ways to simplify the workflow of anterior ceramic restorations”, with 1 CME point on 3rd December 2021, organized by CAPP UAE.
4. Attended two days symposium on “Conducting Clinical Trials in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities” on 27th and 28th September, 2021 organized by COMSAT university Islamabad, Lahore Campus.
5. Workshop on “Fabrication of Nasal Prosthesis” by IOD, CMH Lahore on 26th-27th July,2021.
6. Participation in workshop on “How to Frame Explicit Specific learning outcome SLO” by NUMS held on 7th April,2021.
7. Participation in a workshop on “Dissertation and thesis e learning companions and author services market place” by ProQuest Education held on 19th January 2021 with 1 CME hour.
8. Organized Workshop on “Basics of Health Professional Education” by PPA and PADR 2021.
9. Workshop on “Modernizing Dental Education in Pakistan-Challenges and Solutions”
a. By Professor Kamran Ali held on 15th January,2021.
10. Participation in a workshop on “Data analysis using SPSS” by CMH LMC and Institute of Dentistry Lahore, held on 01 December 2020 with 2 CME hours.
11. Participation in “LMS training” by NUMS held on 01 December 2020 with 2 CME hours.
12. Participation in “Online teaching and assessment” by NUMS held on 01 December 2020 with 2 CME hours.
13. Participation in 2nd UHS- International Dental Congress, held on 27th-29th November 2020 with 9 CME points.
14. Workshop on “Stress Management” by Institute of Dentistry CMH-Lahore Medical College on 2nd November 2020 accredited 04 CME hours.
15. Participation in Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, first Virtual Scientific Competition held
on 31st October 2020.
16. Workshop on “Strengthening Research Planning using Elsevier Tools-Scopus, ScienceDirect & Mendeley” on 22nd October, 2020 by Research Academy On campus(Elsevier).
17. Participation in a workshop entitled, “Workplace based assessment” held on 12th August at CPSP reginal Center, Lahore with 1 CME points.
18. Workshop on “How to keep students engaged during online classes” by Institute of Dentistry CMH-Lahore Medical College on 18th August 2020.
• JCPSP article review on 29th July 2020, entitled, “COVID-19, outbreak in dentistry Guidelines and recommendations for the provision of dental health care services.” – 1 CPD hour.
• Workshop on “Research and Publication Training Course” by IOD,CMH Lahore held between 24th June,2020-27th July,2020.
• Participation in a workshop entitled, “How to conduct effective online class” held on 15th July 2020, under NUMS with 3 CME points.
• Workshop on “Research Methodology” by Institute of Dentistry CMH-Lahore Medical College on 3rd January 2020.
• Workshop on “Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis” by Institute of Dentistry CMH- Lahore Medical College on 19th October 2019.
• Workshop on “Prologue to problem based Learning” by Institute of Dentistry CMH-Lahore Medical College on 23rd October 2019.
• CPD hours totaling to 891, as part of 2018 course year of M Clin Dent Fixed and removable Prosthodontics, King’s College London
• CPD hours totaling to 907, as part of 2017 course year of M Clin Dent Fixed and removable Prosthodontics, King’s College London
• Participated in “International Dental certification” course, on 10th-12th May 2013, at 3M innovation center Dubai.
• “Lecturing Skills” on 14th Mar 2013 at Institute of Dentistry CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore.
• “Principles of Adult Learning” on 16th Jan 2013 at Institute of Dentistry CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore.
• “Faculty Development” on 29th Nov 2012 at Institute of Dentistry CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore.
• “Research Methodology” by Dr Waqas Waheed (Consultant psychiatrics in University of Manchester UK) on November 3rd 2009 CMH Lahore Medical College.
• “Best Evidence Medicine” by Prof Eice Muhammad (Professor of medicine) on 18th and 19th of September 2009 at University of Health Sciences, Lahore.
• “Conduct of OSPE & Oral Assessment” by Prof Khaleeq Uz Zaman ( Professor of Neurosurgery PIMS) held on 31st July & 1st August 2009 at University of Health Sciences, Lahore.
• “Construction of MCQ’s & SEQ’s by Prof Suhail Khursheed Lodhi ( Prof Of Obs & Gynae SIMS Lahore) held on 26th & 27th of June 2009 at University of Health Sciences, Lahore.
• “Latest advancements in Impressioning” by Dr Georges Tahini on January 21, 2007.
• “Porcelain laminate veneers” by Dr. Porus Turner at Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2006.
• “Tooth surface loss and its management” by Dr. Shakeel Shahdad at Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2006, Karachi.
• “Dental Implants” by Esmonde F. Corbet at Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2006, Karachi.
• “Implants and Implant Supported Prosthesis” by Dr. Ninette Bandey at IMSACON 2006, Lahore.
• “Infection control” by Dr. Samir Riaz Qazi at Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore 2004.
• “MCQ Designing” by Dr. Samir Riaz Qazi at Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore on 5th September 2007.
• “Communication Skills” by WHO collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Educational Development of Health personnel on April 12-14 2004.
• “Introduction to Computer and Internet” by WHO collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Educational Development of Health personnel on March 8-12 2004.
• “Research Methodology, Biostatistics and Dissertation Writing” by WHO collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Educational Development of Health personnel on April 5-9 2004.
Conference attended;
1st CMH Dental Conference 2009.
PDA Conference 2009.
28th Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2006.
44th Punjab Interstate Dental Conference, Amritsar 2004.
Asian Congress on Dental Education and research 18th-20th Feb 2011, Karachi.
First IADSR Conference, Lahore Pakistan 22nd-24th April 2011
Symposium on “Nanotechnology in dentistry” held at AFID Rawalpindi on 10th September, 2011.
ACDER 2013
4rth SADAF 2013
PADR 2015
4rth international PPA conference 2015, Karachi
5th PPA international conference Lahore
6th PPA international conference Quetta
7th PPA international conference Peshawar
5th PADR international conference, Lahore
3rd International Conference “Emerging trends in Dentistry” by Rehman College of dentistry (RCD) Peshawar on 7 to 8th March 2020 accredited 04 CDE hours.
Certification of Participation” on 2nd UHS-International Dental Conference “Redefining trends in Dentistry”, from 27th Nov to 29th November, 2020 with 11 CME hours.