Peer Review 3D View

A Workshop titled “Peer Review 3D View; Authors, Peer Reviewers and the Editors’ Perspective” was held at CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry (CMH LMC & IOD) on May 24, 2024, arranged by the Editorial team of MedERA, the Journal of CMH LMC & IOD. Professor Dr. Saira Afzal was the key speaker who is Chief Editor, Annals of King Edward Medical University. She is an eminent researcher, renowned in Pakistan and worldwide.

She also works closely with the Higher Education Commission Pakistan and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council to promote and improve research standards in higher medical education. The event was attended by eminent editors of other medical journals of Lahore. More than 85 participants attended the workshop both of CMH LMC & IOD and from other medical colleges of town.

Senior editors deliberately responded to the queries and suggestions of the participants during panel discussion. The feedback of the participants was very positive and most of them were eager to have similar workshops to be arranged periodically so that a forum for updates and knowledge sharing may serve the editors community.

Peer Review 3D View with Professor Dr. Saira Afzal