- Biography Coming Soon
- Cord around neck and its fetal implications
published in PJMHS 2013
- Fetomaternal outcome in operative vaginal delievry
published in PJMHS 2012
- Effect of raised maternal body mass index on neonatal outcome
published in PJMHS 2013
- Effective medical teaching skills- How to become a better medical educator ..
published in college magazine of CMH Lahore Medical College.
- Feto-maternal complications in hypertensive disorders of pregnancies at a tertiary care hospital. JCMHLMC. Vol1No1, 2017
- Association of Pre-eclampsia in anaemic pregnant women sent for publication in JCMHLMC.
- Association of vitamin D deficiency with polycystic ovarian syndrome: “Pak Armed Forces Med J 2019:69(2): 241-44
- 8.Comparison of cervical cerclage and vaginal progesterone in cervical insufficiency Pak Armed Forces Med J (Acceptance letter)