Experienced senior consultant Neurosurgeon who is presently Head of Neurosurgery at CMH Lahore, CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry, with a demonstrated history and experience of working in the tertiary care hospitals & health care industry. Skilled in Clinical Research, teaching/Medical Education, Complex brain Surgery, Sp-ine, and Spinal Cord Injury. Strong consulting professional with a FCPS(General Surgery), FCPS(Neurosurgery) with advanced Neurosurgery training at Aberdeen (Scotland), Certified in Health Professional Education, focused in both Elective and Emergency Neurosurgery. Dedicated to helping patients with Neurosurgical ailments with knowledge, skill and compassion.
- Outcome of primary bone fragment replacement in compound depressed skull fractures. Journal of College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan. (JCPSP)
- Effect of head positioning on outcome after burr hole craniostomy for chronic subdural Hematoma. Journal of College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan. (JCPSP)
- Frequency of Hydrocephalus in postoperative cases of Myelomeningocele. Need of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. (PAFMJ)
- Outcome in Chronic Subdural hematoma after subdural vs subgaleal drain. Journal of College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan. (JCPSP)
- Safety of Diagnostic Cerebral & Spinal Digital Subtraction Angiography in a developing country. A single centre experience. Interventional Radiology. (Intervent Neurol)
- Correlation between clinical Neurogenic Claudication Outcome (NCOS) score and radiological grading of lumbar spinal stenosis on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Lumbosacral spine. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. (PAFMJ)
- Efficacy of per operative use of Trimacinolone in lumbar discectomy. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. (PAFMJ)
- Topiramate and Pregabalin in Lumbar radicular pain. Is Topiramate a better option? Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College. (JRMC)
- Cutaneous myiasis of scalp in a young girl related to Musca domestica. Dermatol on line.
- Non communicating Extradural arachnoid cyst of Dorsal Spine. Journal of College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan. (JCPSP)