Certificate distribution for introductory, innovative student-centered learning program of “Peer Assisted Learning Program (PAL)” based on SPICES model of learning was conducted on 19 April 2023 at CMH Lahore Medical College. Principal/CE Maj R Gen Naeem Naqi HI(M) was the chief guest for the ceremony. The function was attended by D/CE Brig Saquib Zaheer, Vice Principal (Academics) Brig Mohammad Arif Mehmood TI(M) and Director Education 4 Corp Brig Amjad Hussain. The certificates were distributed amongst Course Director Lt Col R Prof Dr Ayub Ahmad Khan (HOD Otorhinolaryngology) who designed and implemented this novel educational course on the directions given by the worthy Principal/CE and VP (Academics). Facilitators including Dr Shazia Tufail and Dr Saba Iqbal were also awarded certificates in recognition of their services. In addition, 22 PAL Tutors of 4 th Year MBBS who helped in successfully running twice a week near peer sessions of PAL which were meant as Remedial classes to cover Otorhinolaryngology course content from 1st July to 31 August 2022 at CMH Lahore were also acknowledged by the Principal /CE with certificate distribution. Finally, certificates were distributed amongst 40 PAL Tutees to provide them encouragement and to motivate them to further attend such educational activities. Principal in his closing remarks appreciated the effort put in by all faculty and students involved in this educational program and as an incentive offered preferred appointment of PAL Tutors as demonstrators in the CMH Lahore Medical College on completion of their undergraduate studies.