The Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (L-ORIC) at CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry recently hosted an exhilarating poster competition as part of the Annual Research Day festivities on 29th April 2024. The esteemed Chief Guest, Lt. General Wasim Alamgir HI(M) (Retd), Vice Chancellor of NUMS, accompanied by the Chief Executive and Principal CMH LMC & IOD, Major General Salman Saleem HI(M) (Retd) visited the poster display arena and appreciated the presenters. A total of seventy-eight posters were presented, showcasing the diverse and innovative research endeavors undertaken by students and faculty alike. With a substantial prize money of Rs. 100,000 at stake, the competition was intense yet collegial. The adjudication process was conducted meticulously, ensuring fairness and impartiality in selecting the winners who were then awarded cash prizes and certificates by the Chief Guest. The event not only celebrated academic excellence but also fostered a spirit of inquiry and innovation.