Qualification: MBBS, M.Phil, CMT
- A comparative study of captopril and imidapril regarding their in vitro effects on tracheal tissue (Medical Forum Monthly vol 27, No 10 October22016.
- A comparative study of captopril and lisinopril regarding their ability to enhance bradykinin-induced tracheal smooth muscle contraction Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Vol 10 July-Sept 2016 ISSN 1996-7195
- A comparative study to evaluate Chronotropic and Inotropic effects of Nimodipine and Verapamil on intact frog’s heart (Foundation university Medical Journal 2014
- Reversal of Loperamide induced intestinal smooth muscle relaxation by Glibenclamide and Repaglinide in vitro (Medical Forum Monthly ISSN 1029-385X vol 25 No 12 Dec 2014 )
- Indian Journal of Pharmacology A comparative study to evaluate chronotropic and inotropic effects of Propranolol & Nimodipine on Normal and Adrenaline induced Frog’s heart. 2013
- Effect of Apple peel extract on the production of IgG immunoglobulins in Immunosuppressed mice. J Postgrad Med Inst 2o19 vol 32 No .3
- Hemostatic effect of three different doses of Justicia Adhatoda Leaf Extract on Bleeding Time in Mice. Annals of King Edward Medical University October-December 2019 , volume 25, Issue 4 , page 1
- Siddiqui WA, Mazhar MU, Malik JA, Talat A, Zaffar S, Rashid H, Chattha IR. The spasmolytic effect of Astragalus sarcocolla on the intestinal smooth muscles of rabbit in vitro: Potassium channel opening. Cureus. 2020 July 08; 12(7): e9066. doi:10.7759/cureus.9066
- Malik JA, Nadeem A, Khalid Z, Nadeem Y, Zaffar S, Siddiqui AH. Development of resistance against mefloquine prophylaxis in peace-keeping forces in the Central African Republic. Cureus. 2020 Jun 28; 12(6): e8886. doi:10.7759/cureus.8886
- Khalid Z, Asim S, Zubair A, Arshad J, Ashraf M, Talat A. Perceptions and practices of self-medication among medical students of Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore, Pakistan. Pak J Med Health Sci. 2020 Mar 28; 14(1): 141-44.
- Zaffar S, Malik M, Malik JA, Chiragh S. Hemostatic effect of three different doses of Justicia adhatoda leaf extract on bleeding time in mice. Ann King Edw Med Univ. 2019 Dec 30; 25(4).
- Kamal I, Zaffar S, Malik JA, Ahmad M. Effect of apple peel extract on the production of IgG immunoglobulins in immunosuppressed mice. J Postgrad Med Inst. 2019 Nov 6; 33(3): 189-93