Recognition of MedERA-Journal of CMH LMC & IOD by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC)
We are pleased to announce that, the official Journal of CMH Lahore Medical College, “MedERA-JCMHLMC” has earned the recognition by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council [PMDC Index Pakistan (IP-0085)]. Now our Journal is both HEC and PMDC Indexed Journal.
MedERA was started in January 2021 and core editorial team under the leadership of Dr Farhat ijaz (Chief Editor) worked hard to achieve these challenging and demanding milestones in a very short span of time. Chief Editor acknowledges and thanks each and every person who has been part of this journey, especially the members of Editorial and Advisory Board, Reviewers, and the administration of CMH for their continuous support. Our core editorial team is dedicated and strives to take this Journal to the highest international standard of publication.
The efforts and hard work of the Chief Editor- Dr Farhat Ijaz and core editorial team was highly appreciated by the institution. Principal Maj Gen(R) Prof Dr Salman Saleem (HI-Military) and the chief guest Lt. Gen. (R) Waseem Alamgir (HI-Military) Vice Chancellor National University of Medical Sciences on the eve of Annual Research Day 2024 presented shields to the whole editorial team as a token of acknowledgement and appreciation.