Today marks a momentous occasion in the lives of all MBBS students – the White Coat Ceremony at CMH LMC & IOD on 1st Feb, 2023 in Afzaal Auditorium. As we gather here, each of us is wearing a white coat, representing a milestone in our medical education and a commitment to serve humanity. We stand here to celebrate the hard work and dedication that has led us to this point, and to pledge our commitment to the medical profession. This ceremony is a symbol of our dedication to the medical profession and to the patients we will serve. It is a reminder of the responsibility we have accepted to serve with compassion, integrity, and dedication. We will strive to uphold the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct, and to bring honor to the medical profession. We are proud to wear the white coat and to be part of this esteemed institution.We accept the privilege to serve those in need and to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Today, let us celebrate this moment and renew our commitment to the medical profession. Let us strive to become the very best doctors we can be.